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Creators/Authors contains: "Witte, Mikael K."

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  1. null (Ed.)
    Abstract. In the current global climate models (GCMs), the nonlinearity effect ofsubgrid cloud variations on the parameterization of warm-rain process, e.g.,the autoconversion rate, is often treated by multiplying the resolved-scalewarm-rain process rates by a so-called enhancement factor (EF). In thisstudy, we investigate the subgrid-scale horizontal variations andcovariation of cloud water content (qc) and cloud droplet numberconcentration (Nc) in marine boundary layer (MBL) clouds based on thein situ measurements from a recent field campaign and study the implicationsfor the autoconversion rate EF in GCMs. Based on a few carefully selectedcases from the field campaign, we found that in contrast to the enhancingeffect of qc and Nc variations that tends to make EF > 1, the strong positive correlation between qc and Nc results in asuppressing effect that tends to make EF < 1. This effect isespecially strong at cloud top, where the qc and Nc correlation canbe as high as 0.95. We also found that the physically complete EF thataccounts for the covariation of qc and Nc is significantly smallerthan its counterpart that accounts only for the subgrid variation ofqc, especially at cloud top. Although this study is based on limitedcases, it suggests that the subgrid variations of Nc and itscorrelation with qc both need to be considered for an accuratesimulation of the autoconversion process in GCMs. 
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  2. Abstract

    Coarse-gridded atmospheric models often account for subgrid-scale variability by specifying probability distribution functions (PDFs) of process rate inputs such as cloud and rainwater mixing ratios (qcandqr, respectively). PDF parameters can be obtained from numerous sources: in situ observations, ground- or space-based remote sensing, or fine-scale modeling such as large-eddy simulation (LES). LES is appealing to constrain PDFs because it generates large sample sizes, can simulate a variety of cloud regimes/case studies, and is not subject to the ambiguities of observations. However, despite the appeal of using model output for parameterization development, it has not been demonstrated that LES satisfactorily reproduces the observed spatial structure of microphysical fields. In this study, the structure of observed and modeled microphysical fields are compared by applying bifractal analysis, an approach that quantifies variability across spatial scales, to simulations of a drizzling stratocumulus field that span a range of domain sizes, drop concentrations (a proxy for mesoscale organization), and microphysics schemes (bulk and bin). Simulatedqcclosely matches observed estimates of bifractal parameters that measure smoothness and intermittency. There are major discrepancies between observed and simulatedqrproperties, though, with bulk simulatedqrconsistently displaying the bifractal properties of observed clouds (smooth, minimally intermittent) rather than rain while bin simulations produceqrthat is appropriately intermittent but too smooth. These results suggest fundamental limitations of bulk and bin schemes to realistically represent higher-order statistics of the observed rain structure.

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  3. Abstract

    A new version of the stochastic multiplume Jet Propulsion Laboratory Eddy‐Diffusivity/Mass‐Flux (JPL‐EDMF) parameterization which consistently couples the simplified Khairoutdinov and Kogan (2000),<0229:ANCPPI>2.0.CO;2, warm phase cloud microphysical parameterization with the parameterization of cloud macrophysical and subgrid scale dynamical processes is described. The new parameterization combines the EDMF approach with an assumed shape of a joint probability density function of thermodynamic and kinematic variables which provide the basis for the computation of all parameterized processes. As far as we are aware this is the first attempt to consistently couple all of these parameterized processes in the EDMF framework. This paper is part one of a two paper series. Here, the JPL‐EDMF parameterization is described and benchmark simulations of precipitating stratocumulus and cumulus convection are performed in a single‐column‐model framework. The parameterization results compare favorably to the reference large‐eddy‐simulation results. In the second part (Smalley et al., 2022, the JPL‐EDMF parameterization is validated for a wide range of observation‐based scenarios covering the continuous transition from subtropical stratocumulus to cumulus convection derived from global reanalysis, and parameterization uncertainties are studied in detail.

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  4. Two case studies of marine stratocumulus (one nocturnal and drizzling, the other daytime and nonprecipitating) are simulated by the UCLA large-eddy simulation model with bin microphysics for comparison with aircraft in situ observations. A high-bin-resolution variant of the microphysics is implemented for closer comparison with cloud drop size distribution (DSD) observations and a turbulent collision–coalescence kernel to evaluate the role of turbulence on drizzle formation. Simulations agree well with observational constraints, reproducing observed thermodynamic profiles (i.e., liquid water potential temperature and total moisture mixing ratio) as well as liquid water path. Cloud drop number concentration and liquid water content profiles also agree well insofar as the thermodynamic profiles match observations, but there are significant differences in DSD shape among simulations that cause discrepancies in higher-order moments such as sedimentation flux, especially as a function of bin resolution. Counterintuitively, high-bin-resolution simulations produce broader DSDs than standard resolution for both cases. Examination of several metrics of DSD width and percentile drop sizes shows that various discrepancies of model output with respect to the observations can be attributed to specific microphysical processes: condensation spuriously creates DSDs that are too wide as measured by standard deviation, which leads to collisional production of too many large drops. The turbulent kernel has the greatest impact on the low-bin-resolution simulation of the drizzling case, which exhibits greater surface precipitation accumulation and broader DSDs than the control (quiescent kernel) simulations. Turbulence effects on precipitation formation cannot be definitively evaluated using bin microphysics until the artificial condensation broadening issue has been addressed.

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